Monday, November 2, 2009

Where do Angels Come From?

Irish Angel Guardian AngelCherub Angel
Irish AngelGuardian Angel Cherub Angel

Where do Angels Come From by ArtMuvz Illustration
ArtMuvz Writes about Angels
Where did the name Angel come from? Angel means messenger. Angels act as intermediates between God and Men and are believed to be spiritual beings who have greater knowledge than men, but are not omniscient. Angels are usually described as winged,clothed in white, sometimes having a halo and often a glow or aura around their body. The word Angel comes from Latin Angelus, Old French Angele,Greek Angelos, Old English engel. Are angels female or male? Angels are neither male nor female, do not reproduce or marry. Has anyone ever seen an angel? Are there images of angels?Visionaries and mystics have reported interactions with angels. The earliest known Christian image of an angel, is the Cubicolo dell'Annunziazione in the Catacomb of Priscilla, which is dated to the middle of the third century. Where have angels appeared? Do angels speak to us?Angels can appear or speak to us in times of crisis and chaos. Angels can attempt to warn and guide by way of obstacles and changes in direction in our life path. We have free will and are not controlled by angels, they can not force, only attempt to help. Angels can speak to those who meditate and pray and ask for guidance. What does paranormal mean? Paranormal is above or beyond normal, unusual supernatural phenomena and forces or experiences that lack scientific proof or explanation.
Are there really guardian angels? Many people believe that they have a guardian angel watching over them to protect and defend them from harm. Probably the most familiar angel is found in the Bible in Luke 1:26 where the archangel Gabriel visits Mary (Mother of Jesus) to tell her she would be Blessed With Child. Hark the Herald Angels Sing refers to the Heavenly Angels and the night of the birth of the baby Jesus. Herald means to announce, an official who carries and delivers messages. The duties of an angel are to be guides, messengers, guardians and protectors of earthly mortals.
What is an Archangel? Archangels are angels of chief order or celestial hierarchy. Do angels have rankings? Angels of high rank are called archangels. Seraphim are the first of the nine angelic orders. Are angels warriors? Archangel Michael was said to be a warrior. Is Satan or Lucifer an angel? In the Bible in Revelation 12:4 When the archangel Satan fell, one third of the angels also fell,which in this instance means suffered defeat and lost their role in power from God. Pride caused Satan's downfall. Satan is also known as Lucifer which means Light bearer. Is Saint Christopher an angel? Saint Christopher was a martyr, the Catholic patron saint of travelers. Saint Christopher means Christ carrier. Archangel Gabriel means strength of God. Gabriel is one of several archangels mentioned in the Bible. Archangel Michael is said to be the chief commander of angels, means like unto God. Defender in times of battle. Saint Michael is also called the good angel of death. Angel of death is also referred to as the Grim Reaper.
Are cherubs angels? Cherubs are in the second highest order of angels, portrayed as innocent children with wings, and are most usually depicted on Valentines and romantic correspondence.The word cherub comes from the Greek cheroub and the Hebrew Kerub.
Bible verse about angels-- Psalms 91:11 will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
This article is copyright ArtMuvz Illustration and may not be used without permission.

Angels and Cupids

Click on the ArtMuvz logo to go to my online shop and look around, purchase angels, cupids, seraphim, archangels, guardian angels.

I almost always start with an idea or concept -- then research it. Next come the rough sketches. Generally I'll work with traditional pencil on paper.
If working in digital format,I scan the rough. Then I use various virtual art tools to apply color, line, texture. Sometimes this will be the final original. More often, the piece speaks to me, telling me to add more or to remove weak parts or adjust in various ways to make the art become strong." When saving my files,I save so that both Macintosh and Windows/PC can open and use the files.
I recommend all artists keep notebooks or scratchpads. When you get an idea,honor it by recording it. I have been keeping notebooks for many years. I was drawing full pictures at four, before I could write. The muse visits those who appreciate what they are given to illustrate. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Christian Angels

Iris Cross
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ArtMuvz Illustration in the News


Newspaper Article about ArtMuvz Illustration
The Ledger Newspaper
Published Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Graphic Content
We've always wanted a custom T-shirt emblazoned with unicorns but were too embarrassed to order the thing in public. So we were delighted to learn that ArtMuvz Illustration of Winter Haven is now online at Web shoppers can browse T-shirt and gift offerings of the local graphic design studio from their own homes, or in our case, The Magical Unicorn Paddock. You're only laughing because you're jealous.
-- Kyle Kennedy

Note from ArtMuvz:P.S. ArtMuvz Illustration also offers cat gifts,bear gifts,frog gifts,lizard gifts,fantasy gifts,angel gifts,fairy gifts,unicorn gifts,religion gifts,special occasion gifts,career gifts,biker gifts,teacher gifts,nurse gifts,medical gifts,genealogy gifts,year of the dog gifts,flower gifts, Mother's Day gifts,Father's Day gifts,Graduation gifts, birthday gifts, wedding gifts,anniversary gifts,personalized gifts....
Click on our logo to go to our online shop where you can view our illustrations and purchase a unicorn or a fairy or maybe an angel....

ArtMuvz Illustration Art worn On General Hospital ABC TV

An actress was spotted wearing a sweatshirt with my art Bellflower Horse in a scene on General Hospital on ABC TV December 10, 2008.

ArtMuvz Illustration Angels T-shirts and Angel Gifts

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